Why is it that I only see these friends once a year for our family dinner?!
Love them all so much!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
I recently went to a bridal shower and what is the best thing about going to one of these parties? Watching the bride-to-be open kitchen gadget gifts, playing paper games printed off the web, or eating the mini eclairs? None of those (even though I do love mini eclairs).
It's listening to the 70 year old grandmas talk dirty and give presents full of sexy lingerie and chocolate body fondue. Maybe it's because they have been married for 50 years and have rights to give advice or just because the younger kids are embarrassed to go to the store and purchase these items, but these ladies just crack me up!
Quick solution: shop online and loosen up a bit. I'm not saying you have to sit around and talk dirty...just don't freak out when your house slippers pressie gets placed under a candy bra or something. Here's a place where you can do just that:
**PS don't open any of these links at work, in front of your parents, or on your iphone at church to avoid some potentially awkward situations**
Posted by Deanna 4 comments
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Posted by Deanna 9 comments
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Posted by Deanna 5 comments
Labels: family, family photo, utah
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
I want one of these when I grow up...
No, not the riding tractor, but a neighbor with one who will plow my yard.
Thank you so much, Mr. Plow...I was getting tired from shoveling.
Posted by Deanna 1 comments
Monday, December 20, 2010
These are a few of my favorite holiday things this year:Santa knows...but it's always nice to put in a good word.
Nothing says Merry Christmas like a kindergarten karate program.
Her name is Lola and she's a...shopper.
Habitat for candy-manity.
Posted by Deanna 1 comments
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
...for really long lines at the post office.
God bless everyone (especially the really old lady I stepped up to help because people were getting angry at her for holding up the line at the self post-it machine)!
Posted by Deanna 3 comments
Friday, December 10, 2010
I heard a knock on the door and when I answered it I saw a man holding a vase of flowers.
'I don't think I deserve flowers today, but what a special surprise for me!' was my thought.
The guy asked if I knew (insert neighbor girl's name) and if he could possibly leave her flowers at my house with a note at hers to come pick them up. Cruel cruel joke, Mr. flower delivery man.
Posted by Deanna 4 comments
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Some nieces and nephews slept over so we decided to decorate the Christmas tree at my parent's house that was sitting so bare in the front room. Still in our pajamas, itunes set to holiday music, two boxes of ornaments, and it was beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
Posted by Deanna 4 comments
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
My email won GBP£850,000.00 AND some kind sir/madam from Africa who had a family member pass on is willing to share their US $280,000,000 dollar inheritance with me (I'm just one western union wire away from it). What a lucky day and just in time for Christmas shopping!
Seriously email scammers...lose my address, please.
Posted by Deanna 4 comments
Friday, November 26, 2010
"What can I get you to drink?" is usually one of the first questions you hear when you sit down to eat at a restaurant. My answer is often water. I don't choose water because I am too cheap to buy a coke or other beverage; instead it is simply because I want water. However, sometimes I think the server seems to be less excited when they hear the phrase, "May I have a water, please?"Don't worry, I'm still ordering food and you will get your tip. It's just that I'd rather have the healthier alternative than a soda.
Posted by Deanna 7 comments
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Around this time of year many people contemplate the things in their life that they appreciate. For this Thanksgiving holiday, I am thankful for my family. I love them. I especially love eating turkey and pumpkin pie with them. On a different note, one thing that is too crazy for me and I might not be very thankful for this time of the year is Black Friday shopping. I don't understand why people need to wait in the cold weather at insane times in the morning or even all through the night to push each other and be rude to save a few dollars. I just don't get it.
Posted by Deanna 2 comments
Monday, November 22, 2010
I have a dilemma: when I was 13, I made a pact with my friend that we would not watch rated R movies any more. I remember the last film I saw in the theater with that rating was True Lies. Since then, there have been several movies I have wanted to see, but have held off remembering the deal I made. Now, I have gone to some film festivals where there were no present ratings on shows and then later found out they were given the "R" rating and I have socially watched a few with friends not knowing (and probably falling asleep through) the rating. But for the most part, I have kept my promise.
It has been years since I have seen or talked with that friend and I have no way of knowing if she has kept or even remembers the commitment we made to each other. For that reason, many have told me it's ok to watch such films and that I'm being silly in my reasoning for turning down opportunities to see them because there are so many good ones out there I am missing. But I'm ok with it because, even though my friend from when I was 13 won't know if I see a film or not, I will know and want to be able to keep my word. Integrity is powerful and I want others to know they can trust I will do as I say and believe.
Back to the dilemma...once again, there is a film showing that I am kinda obsessed with called 127 Hours. It's a fantastic true story and I've heard provides a pictorial perspective of the state of Utah that is absolutely phenomenal (WATCH THE TRAILER!!). However, the film is rated R. Ugh. Should I forget the pact that may be silly and makes decisions for myself now since I'm a "big girl" in society's eyes or should I try to stay true to my "little girl" promise I made so many years ago.
Posted by Deanna 11 comments
Friday, November 19, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Thanksgiving is approaching so what do we do for fun around here?
We go bowling.
With turkeys.
And soda bottles.
Posted by Deanna 1 comments
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Dear Radio DJ,
Since when did Kid Rock and Uncle Kracker become country singers?! Please get them off my radio stations. Yeehaw.
Thank you
Posted by Deanna 3 comments
Monday, November 8, 2010
I bought some leggings just before I went to Czech and I noticed something wasn't right after washing them. When I came back to the states I tried to return them to the store, but they told me the brand had changed their logo and the specific leggings I bought weren't in the computer system anymore. I really just wanted to exchange them for another pair and didn't care what the logo on the tag looked like since they obviously were defective. The store employee told me no.
UMMM...is it just me that sees something wrong with these?!
Posted by Deanna 7 comments
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Even when everything is fading to brown for winter and construction orange can be seen for miles on most roads, my Utah is still gorgeous!
Posted by Deanna 3 comments
Thursday, November 4, 2010
#1 Seriously, I saw a commercial at the gym that directed me to go to www.getfreshwithafriend.com. Yeah...get fresh with a friend dot com. The company is Cottonelle and they want not only YOU to be able to enjoy Cottonelle Fresh® Flushable Moist Wipes, but also your friend. Interesting.
They even have this video with the description:
While washing the family mini-van, Debbie gets fresh with her friend Sam, and things take a hilarious turn.#2 There was a coupon in the mail today for www.poopposse.com. Yep, if you need your yard de-pooped, then this is place to go. Because "You want to spend time playing with your dog, not cleaning up after him." Gross.
Posted by Deanna 4 comments
Monday, November 1, 2010
I just got a note from a friend about a 'daily deals / groupon ish' type site he is running in southern utah (buy $50 worth of xyz for $20...). He's asking me to help announce that it is launching this month- and he is giving away an Apple iPad to a random person who registers by Nov 11.
If you could post a link or something it would help him out...or, even better, sign up to win and get steals for yourself.
Posted by Deanna 1 comments
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Do you ever think you have a clever Halloween costume and then get asked 100 times what you're supposed to be...realizing maybe you should stick to something more conventional.
It happened to Katy Perry and Elmo this year:
Come on, Elmo, don't you wanna play?!
Posted by Deanna 3 comments
Friday, October 29, 2010
I love Halloween because I enjoy trying to guess whether someone is in a costume or just normally dresses like that. Trick-or-treat!
Posted by Deanna 4 comments
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I took My niece and nephews to see Despicable Me last weekend. Let's just say, our "dollar theater" event turned into a $30 date. What?! I can't get enough of Phil Dunphy's philosophy on stadium snack policy.
We'll be taking our own hot dogs to the theater next time, goobers.
Posted by Deanna 5 comments
Thursday, October 21, 2010
"Mom, can we get my hair cut? It's in my eyes."
No reply. Five minutes later my sister-in-law walks into the kitchen and I hear, "Um...did you cut your own hair?!"
Problem solved.
...and now he's got a buzz cut.
Posted by Deanna 2 comments
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Hypothetically speaking...let's say
you find out the cute, flirty dude at the gym is actually married,
your darn cat gets sick on your new carpet and you have to clean it up,
there is an email in your inbox saying they chose someone else for the job,
and then this happens:
the little exercise thing from the chiropractor that hangs on the door flies off and hits you in the face.
That's gonna leave a mark.
If all that happens, I bet you could say it just isn't your week. And it's only Tuesday. Ugh.
Posted by Deanna 6 comments
Thursday, October 14, 2010
...paint a ninja turtle.
That's just what I did. As a group family home evening project, we were given pumpkins to paint. My table got one that was green on one half. So I painted Raphael's face on that part and some dudes helped by painting a shell on the back and two sai on the sides to make one awesome pumpkin in a half shell.
Posted by Deanna 6 comments