I do NOT like Star Trek.
Live long and prosper, Nate.
I do NOT like Star Trek.
Posted by Deanna 7 comments
Today is the last official day of the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, UT.
I have grown to love this event and all of the people who attend it
from making new friends on the various shuttle buses
to having your dreams interpreted before eating at Main Street Pizza & Noodleto the crazy people in costumes each year
to the LA people who have to buy a new winter wardrobe just for this event
to private screening swagg
to sneeking into parties with celebrities
to seeing old friends and making new ones
oh...and I almost forgot they show films there too!
Stanley Tucci, John Salley, James Franco, 50 Cent, Oprah, Justin Beiber...see you again next year...same time, same place!
Posted by Deanna 0 comments
I think next year I'm going to celebrate Christmas on January 15th. Gosh I thought I was getting good deals on "sales" before the holiday, but just a few weeks later everything is anywhere from 50-75-90% off. Good golly. I guess you've got to make your money somehow, Mr. Economy. (But you, little Miss Victoria's Secret, will not trick me again this year!)
Posted by Deanna 10 comments
This might sound a little funny, but I am a real sucker for the commercialness of holidays. I know, I know...most people hate that part about them and despise walking by the seasonal aisle in most supermarkets or drug stores. However, I LOVE heart shaped pizzas for Valentine's Day, pastel sprinkles on my donut for Easter, putting green dye in food for St. Patrick's Day, decorating bikes with streamers and flags for the 4th of July, cashiers in costumes at the mall on Halloween, tacky Christmas sweater parties in December, and so on. It all just makes me smile.
Posted by Deanna 411 comments
Posted by Deanna 4 comments
Posted by Deanna 3 comments
Posted by Deanna 6 comments
Posted by Deanna 3 comments
Posted by Deanna 2 comments
I am not much one for westerns, however, I watched the film True Grit the other night. To my astonishment, I found that I quite enjoyed it. I believe the way the characters innocently spoke the obvious/truth and how they pronounced every syllable is what kept me interested.
Example from LaBoeuf: You give out very little sugar with your pronouncements. While I sat there watching I gave some thought to stealing a kiss... though you are very young, and sick... and unattractive to boot. But now I have a mind to give you five or six good licks with my belt.
After exiting the theater, and reviewing the film with my friend, I tried to speak as they did in the movie and found it rather difficult. I had to concentrate on not using contractions (we are so lazy in our speech these days) and frankly felt I sounded a little slow talking that way. But I'm gonna try it...a full day of using my True Grit speech. Starting....NOW...
Posted by Deanna 2 comments