Thursday, June 24, 2010


I thought this NO ACCESS sign was funny when I actually saw it on the street in Italy by a construction zone.

But I thought it was even funnier when I saw it on the front of a pair of underwear for sale as I walked by a shop yesterday.
If only I wore thongs...
"Don't give me no lines and keep your hands to yourself." -Georgia Satellites


Daphne said...

That is too much and now I have that song in my head!! LOL

I'm your newest follower from Two Savvy Sister. Have a great day!!!

Daphne @ Blessed Life

Candice said...

Hi following you back from BOBT. Thanks for visiting Fashionably Organized.

Just Wrap It Fitness said...

Thanks for buzzing on by!! I am your newest follower, have a fabulous day!

Blogs said...

tooo funny...speaking of kid was walking around target last night with thongs on her head....brilliant!!!

Unknown said...

Holy cow. What'd you do to get so many new followers all of the sudden?

Anonymous said...

That's funny! 9/10 I'm going to have that song in my head! Lol

I'm following you from Buzz on by Thursday! You can find me here:

Tammy said...

Thanks for coming over and linking up to our TFAG bloghop today! Loved that you joined it!

That sign is too hilarious! especially on the underwear.

Kathleen said...

Buzzed on by for the blog hop and now I am stalking you. Feel free to come stalk me back if you like.


Kate Pantier @ Mommy Monologues said...


Being in Italy must be awesome!!!

Thanks for stopping by & following at Mommy Monologues! I'm following you back!

And I loved the post titled "Dude"--hilarious!

Jessica B. said...

I'm a day late, but I'm your newest follower from Blog Hop Friday. Would love if you'd vist me at Mom of all Trades! Have a great weekend.