A few things I've encountered from week 1 in Oklahoma:"Oklahoma, where the wind blows..." The song is true. As I went out for a morning run, I learned it blows and it blows COLD. Maybe this sign I saw as I was transferring airports should've been a clue.
Wal*mart is EVERYwhere and apparently, saves the best parking spots for flying birds carrying sacks of babies.
I drove by the Oral Roberts University and saw a giant pair of clapping hands. While I was there, I prayed for hair for DB, men for J, and less wind for me.
If the praying with the hands doesn't work, then maybe buying tacos from the taco mobile outside the church with the giant rotating faith sign will work. Gotta love the bible belt.
Deciding to get some kicks on Route 66, I ended up in the Art Deco part of Tulsa and fell in love with a Sunday stroll in perfect sunny weather and beautiful architecture.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Posted by Deanna 5 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
I don't really like shopping but I just couldn't take my eyes off these shoes. They hypnotized me so much that I couldn't decide between black or brown so I bought both. I know...I know. But, I got them for a super sexy price. Instead of paying the $130 suggested retail price, I got them on sale with a $5 off coupon per pair for a total of $15 for both (alright $15 something including the 8.517% OK sales tax)!
Posted by Deanna 3 comments
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Yesterday, I rounded up the gang and the five of us went to the local Tulsa library to PAWS for READING (where kiddies get to read to registered therapy dogs and get to take a book home as a souvenir). We then stopped at PetSmart for adoption day and pet and played with some dogs. Finally, we went home and ate hot dogs for lunch. Does that last activity make me a bad person? All I know is we had a doggone good time.
Posted by Deanna 3 comments
Friday, February 20, 2009
Sometimes I sit and wonder 'Why am I not married to Tom Cruise?' I mean, I think I'd look good on the cover of People Magazine...with all that great makeup, trick lighting, and someone's photoshop skills.
Then I'd get cool things...like free clothes and shoes and maybe even have my own line of fashion socks or something. Just a thought. A girl can dream, right? Come on, Tom Cruise, where are you?!
Posted by Deanna 7 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
It's birthday time for the moms. A BIG birthday this year! In fact, I think she's gettin close to the senior discount at the Sizzler. woot! woot!
Important things my mom has taught me:
Always wear clean underwear...because you never know when United Airlines will lose your luggage before a hot hot vacation to the Florida beaches and leave you in the jeans you left Utah wearing for 3 days.
Shake it...even when you have lovely 'grandma humps'
Don't be afraid to toot your own horn...or maybe antler...
There's nothin wrong with showin a little.... or wait is it searching for... some red footed boobies in Hawaii.
and No one can put the ass in embarrass like your family.
AAHHH the Moms, You've been there for me through the big and little (faces/clothes), the good and the bad (dates/jobs), smart and the stupid (decisions/roommates), and the broken and good (hearts/cell phones/cars). Can't thank you enough for everything you do and the person you are. You've got a heart so big. Love your face!
Posted by Deanna 4 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
It's true. It's time to admit it. I am so happy, I want to shout it from the rooftop and let everyone know that I AM IN LOVE...
with online banking!
I can be anywhere in the country or world even and take care of my finances. No late fees, no automated phone calls, no wondering if the check made it to the mail in time, etc. Mr. online banking, you are a genius! I love you.
Posted by Deanna 8 comments
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Oklahoma is OK
I left Utah to Oklahoma on Thursday for a bit to work. Surprise!...for some. I haven't seen much besides 3 of the 12 local Walmart stores, lots of dry grass, and my new 4 friends. PS I discovered the most wonderful thing at Wal*mart: I'm not sure if it's a permanent item or if it's just for Valentine's Day, but they have an aisle with international chocolate. That's right, I was worried I'd have to go back to Germany to find my favorite chocolate treats, but now it's just around the corner. (I'll probably find another excuse to travel back though.)
So all I have to say right now is Oklahoma is OK. Give me a little bit more time to explore the place.
Moving on, it's Valentine's Day and I wish I had a new slide show to post, but, alas, I don't have any of my photos with me, so here is last years again...
In honor of love, Valentine's Day, and all that shiz.
BOYS: Take notes from these dudes.
GIRLS: Find these guys and don't ever let them go.
Posted by Deanna 3 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Happiest day of my life...
I inherited a cord thingy to plug the ipod into the car. New technology meet Mazda; Mazda new tech. So happy together!
Posted by Deanna 1 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
...but I might be if you bought me one of these:
I'm kinda really obsessed with this machine right now. I think it might be my next purchase. I dream about 2.3 million pixels of perfection, long lasting batteries, silky glass clickity click click surfaces, being instantly wireless, limitless ports, 2.8GHz and kicking into SuperDrive because sometimes I feel the need for speed.... Dear MacBook Pro, You are gorgeous. I haven't had a new crush since 2007, but I think I have one on you. Will you be my number 4? Love, deanna.
Um...anyway, I started out writing about the movie He's Just Not That Into You, before I got sidetracked, and wanted to say I'm just kinda not that into it. In fact, I kinda hated it. That's all.
Posted by Deanna 5 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Valentine's Day is coming up. I dedicate this song to you from Hope. Feel free to bring me flowers.
I was asked for my love song mix so I listed it in the comments. If you have any others go ahead and write them in and help out your local neighborhood playa work a mixed love CD.
Posted by Deanna 7 comments
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Recently, I was asked, "How do you know who's the one?" As if I know that answer or any thing about love for that matter, but I replied with the first thing that came to my mind...a scene from Rocky:
Paulie: You like her?
Rocky: Sure I like her.
Paulie: What's the attraction?
Rocky: I dunno...she fills gaps.
Paulie: What's 'gaps'?
Rocky: I dunno. She's got gaps. I got gaps. Together we fill gaps.
Posted by Deanna 4 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
It's time to pour some 'catchup' on this post so you can enjoy a quick review of my last week or so and things I've failed to mention:
I missed the first few days of the Sundance Film Festival, but quickly made it up to the film gods and headed to Park City where I saw old fest friends, met some new people who were "sweet as hell", caught a few screenings, snuck into a few parties, and (even though I missed Dory this year) had a 4 star time.
Human foosball...ever heard of it? Me neither, but I had the opportunity to go to a school with awesome kids who are working really hard at overcoming some obstacles life has handed them to play it with them. Loved loved loved them and the fact that my team won so we had first pick at the treat table afterwards.
My pal Val passed on the word that the Huntsman Cancer Foundation needed volunteers for the K-Bull Radio-A-Thon so I told her to sign me up. My heart was touched as I did such a simple thing as answer a phone...something I do every day...to hear people swell up with tears as they donated or told stories in honor of a loved one who has struggled with cancer.
After putting the phone down, I headed towards Spanish Fork Canyon for a dance team reunion party at Ricky's house. I got my game on in cards, slept with lots of strange animals running around, and helped cooked breakfast in the morning. Then I headed out with studly Jamie and crew for some 4 wheelin in the snow out by Saratoga. Can't wait to see him in a few months for some wakeboarding!
Next, I loaded up most of the nieces and nephews and the dad for a trip to the Living Planet Aquarium where we touched sting rays, stared at jellyfish, and left with some sweet fish tattoos. The highlight of the trip was when I found Jacq in the backseat with my cell calling random numbers in my phonebook and saying, "Hello Santa? Bring me presents!" on the way home.
Finally, (sorry this is a long one) brother Tim called me the night before and planned to pick me up at 5:45am to go to Denny's for free grand slam breakfast day. But, alas, everyone else in town was there too. And since Tim doesn't have very much patience for waiting in lines, we left and drove to Macey's where we bought the essentials and made our own slammin breakfast at Lenny's.
*This totally reminded me of the episode of the Simpsons where Homer gets kicked out of an all-you-can-eat seafood restaurant, drives around town to find another, and then, since he can't find any, he goes fishing. "Does this sound like a man who had ALL he could eat?!"*
Posted by Deanna 3 comments
Sunday, February 1, 2009
After watching Super Bowl XLIII, I decided that I am going to start wearing football pants around because EVERYBODY'S butt looks good in a pair of those.
"Who is that walking up wearing football pants?! Oh, it's just deanna..."
Posted by Deanna 9 comments