Monday, February 28, 2011
Posted by Deanna 1 comments
Sunday, February 27, 2011
My niece Jacq asked if she could pick out my outfit the other day...all of my outfit. She chose earrings, socks, shoes, hair name it. She even opened a drawer and asked if she could pick out which "boob things" I wore. From the mouths of babes... It was the pinkest most sparkliest outfit I have ever worn. LOVE HER.
Posted by Deanna 3 comments
Saturday, February 26, 2011
I subscribe to your posts
February 16, 2011 7:58 PM
Posted by Deanna 0 comments
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Scroll back 2 posts to this one about the loving rivalry I have with my siblings to win the title of best gift for my parents.
Posted by Deanna 52 comments
Monday, February 21, 2011
I wonder how many people actually took the entire cart up to a register before the sales staff decided they needed to post the hand-written addendum at the bottom.
Posted by Deanna 4 comments
Saturday, February 19, 2011
I have a small rivalry with my brothers to see who can give my parents the best present. Granted the Elvis impersonator coming to our house to give the sash my mom never got from Elvis live in concert, the edible flower arrangement, the stripper visiting them at dinner while at Sizzler, a hand full of lottery tickets, and that dang flannel shirt (which was purchased from a THRIFT SHOP) were good attempts. However, I think I took the cake this year.

**Taking off glove and slapping your cheek** I challenge you to beat this one, brothers. Happy Birthday Moms.
Posted by Deanna 4 comments
Monday, February 14, 2011

Posted by Deanna 3 comments
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Posted by Deanna 8 comments
Labels: justin bieber, lip sync, mom, singing
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Crazy Dog T-shirts ( is the number one source online for funny t shirts and vintage shirts that help you stand out and get noticed. Founded in 2004, they provide customers with a variety both creative original concepts and popular licensed designs. Looking for a funny t-shirt? They have hundreds of funny shirts which you won't want to miss! On the site, the also have a Daily Deals section where they offer 3 tees each for $6.99 or less and have shirts in sizes ranging from small to 3XL.
Posted by Deanna 224 comments
My friend Craig and I went to the Jazz game last night in SLC (goodbye Jerry Sloan).That guy in red next to us, yeah he was booing the loudest.
I think it is wonderful to cheer for your team. Awesome. But I think it is total unsportsmanlike conduct when you boo the opposing team as they walk on to the court/field before any game play has occurred. I am afraid I have to agree with Mr. Max Hall and say Ute fans ARE classless.
Posted by Deanna 10 comments
Thursday, February 10, 2011
I keep cycling the same socks through the wash and to the top of my drawer.
Too bad they happen to be Christmas and Halloween socks.
Yes, it is February.
Yes, I donated blood today and the cute guy who drew it might have seen my holiday socks.
Yes, I was embarrassed.
Posted by Deanna 3 comments
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Nacho Mama Tees ( has some of the best crazy shirts around. Founded in 2004, the company offers items such as Chuck Norris shirts, hangover t-shirts and zombie shirts. They provide a variety of awesome offensive shirts, funny shirts, movie shirts, and awesome mens vintage tees. They have a cheap shirts section where most shirts are available at an affordable price of $16.99 or less. To make sure everyone is happy, they offer shirt sizes ranging from small-3XL. So go ahead and get your t-shirt on.
Posted by Deanna 2 comments
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
The winner of the $50 EdenFantasys gift card is....
dun dun dun
comment #123
Belinda M.
Woot! Woot!
Thank you to EVERYONE for entering.
Posted by Deanna 1 comments
Monday, February 7, 2011
Amazon is giving away 14 free songs for Valentine's Day here.
I'm sharing this because 1) free music is cool and 2) free music is cool when it is from a cool the song from Band of Horses on the list (L-O-V-E them).
Also you can get a $2 free credit to get whatever you like or to give as a Valentine's gift to your sweetheart (wink wink. nudge nudge. say no more say no more.). Look for this box on top right side of pagethen click on Redeem a gift card or promotion code and enter VDAYMP3S.
**Both links good until 2/14/11**
Posted by Deanna 2 comments
Friday, February 4, 2011
- Huge choice of promotional clothing
- Competitive pricing
- Quality Silk Screen Printing
- Fast turnaround times
- Quantities from 12 to 100,000
Posted by Deanna 2 comments
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Ever since my friend Jeff posted a video tribute about his beloved blue cup to the song Goodbye My Lover (you must see it here...I laugh as if it's the first time I've ever heard it every time), I've had James Blunt on my mind. Amazingly, I heard he was going to perform a small show at Flemings in SLC and I happened to score tickets to it. He was beautiful.
I don't normally have super star crushes, but I'd totally buy him on ebay tomorrow if I knew he was for sale!
When I arrived at the venue, I went to use the restroom. As I was coming back to the room where the concert was I noticed him sitting at a table taking a photo of himself. Well, I wasn't sure if it was him. Then when he walked into the room to sing a few songs, I found my guess was true.
DUH! Why didn't I sit down next to him and jump in his photo? I could kick myself. We could be eating steak together right now over my American howdy partnerish laughs and his super cute english muffin talk. If only I could replay that moment...I wouldn't make the same mistake.
So if any of you have connections out there...send the bloke back to me!
Posted by Deanna 3 comments