On Monday, my new Jersey welder friend Matt and I went to Oklahoma City to see some new sights. After passing many tolls, plenty of Cowboy museums, and fighting the wind yet once again we made it to OKC.
1st stop: the OKC bombing memorial. Mental note to self-if you try to take a photo on self timer and the day is super windy, the camera may have a sticker that says it's shock proof up to 4ft but the marble on the ground WILL crack it and Olympus will NOT fix it after it's blown off the hand rail.
2nd stop: Pops. It's essentially a gas station with 259 varieties of soda pop in a bottle, a small diner where they put egg on a BLT and fizz up your cup with Round Barn Root Beer only available there in Arcadia, a ginormous soda bottle outside that lights up and changes color at night, and an amazing million dollar awning. Oh and they had cool handles on the sink and toilet in the bathroom.
3rd stop:Pole Position Raceway (or P2R for us VIP members). After I realized we weren't playing bumper cars, I'm pleased to say we made top 12 fastest times for the week.
4th stop:The Haunted House Restaurant. I didn't see any ghosts but the cold temp, 192 year old hostess, creaking doors, spooky music from the iPhone, and hauntingly delicious food made for a frightfully good time.