Monday, July 30, 2012

Zámek Zbiroh (ZBIROH CASTLE)

We spent the night in a for reals old castle.

 part modern chateau

decorated to look as it did when kings used it for hunting.

 Birthplace of Josef Václav Sládek and a favorite place of Fraňa Šrámek, Alfons Mucha and Adolf Branadl. Kings Charles IV (known for building the Charles Bridge in Prague mentioned in a previous post), King Rudolph, and the Pope are rumored to have stayed here.
On the castle side is some powerful rock,
a castle chapel (which dates to the late 14th century),

well 164 m deep,
and a spooky prison.
I slept in the room where Charles IV liked to stay.
His room was the only one with a toilet.
Thankfully, there was a modern bathroom added later.
Here is a view of the toilet from the outside...
Look out below!