Friday, May 11, 2012


Last night, I had the opportunity of attending a memorial service of someone whose family was very kind to me last year during my stay in Fort Mac. I was warmly welcomed into their home to join them for Easter dinner and other activities without us really even knowing each other yet. This got me thinking and made me so grateful that each time I go to a new place, there is that special person(s) who makes the effort to be my friend.
I can't express enough how much these kind gestures mean to me, whether it be a simple hello, offer to give a ride, or showing me around town and introducing me to others. Thank you (I wish I could post a photo of everyone here).

I'm striving to be able to extend my hand so that one day, if needed (and probably also if not needed knowing me), I might be that person who reached out to others with expressions of friendship, appreciation, and love.


Lin said...

What a great post & love that photo collage.