Day-Z saw her doctor/student duo at Colorado State University last month. The doctor suggested we do a CT Scan and take a biopsy in a few different areas in the lump in her face. We spent a few days in Fort Collins, then traveled home to wait for the test results.
We have heard from the CSU staff and found out that the lump is a sarcoma, but a different kind. At first, we were told it was an STS (soft tissue) sarcoma, but we found out it is a different kind that starts in the bone and can possibly be removed with surgery instead of radiation treatments.
I was thrilled to find this out because I thought surgery costs less than radiation treatment. I am wrong. Apparently, any procedure to remove this tumor is VERY expensive. But I guess we will do what we have to do. So...Day-Z and I will be traveling back to Colorado next week for surgery.
If you or anyone you know would like to help out with any of the costs of vet bills, surgery, travel/lodging, then please click on this link.
Thank you for all of your kind words, prayers, and love.